Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Books for curious toddlers

on March 16, 2010

I am not sure how many of you that read this blog have toddler’s but I wanted to do a post on some of the books out there that are particularly ‘toddler catching’.

This first one, which is a recently acquired book from our local library and so far, has been a hit and a half.My daughter requests it to be read at every sleep time.

Bumbletum – Steve Smallman

517A1FFS1CL._SL500_AA240_Bumbletum is a new toy in the bedroom. All of the other toys wonder what kind of toy Bumbletum is. The toys show Bumbletum what they can do: Milly Mouse squeaks, Teddy Bear growls and Boomer Kangaroo bounces. But what can Bumbletum do? When Milly Mouse trips and falls, it’s Bumbletum to the rescue with a comforting hug and Bumbletum realizes that he can do the most wonderful thing of all!


The Loudest Roar – Thomas Taylor

Clovis is a very noisy little tiger. He knows he has the loudest roar in the whole jungle. He’s good at roaring, but he’s very good at hiding – and that’s when the trouble begins.

This is a great book to do really loud roars with!

415zAVZ9TiL._SL500_AA240_The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle

A much-loved classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar has won over millions of readers with its vivid and colourful collage illustrations and its deceptively simply, hopeful story. With its die-cut pages and finger-sized holes to explore, this is a richly satisfying book for children.

(My favourite about this is that Bean calls is ‘the hunky pilla’.)

Those are just a few of the favourite’s in my daughter’s library at present. If any of you have some recommendations, please feel free to let me know. I am just as interested in gathering books for her as I am for me!

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5 Responses to “Books for curious toddlers”

  1. Shayne says:

    Can you believe i’ve not got/read any of these?
    betst i rememdy it!

    The Gruffalo series is great too but for 4 and up.

  2. Elizabeth Bennett says:

    Thanks for your great review of Bumbletown! We really appreciated the support. We have linked your blog on our facebook fan page. Are you a fan yet?
    tiger tales books

  3. Elizabeth Bennett says:

    I meant Bumbletum — it’s been a very, very long day!

  4. Ilene Fine says:

    Thanks for the Bumbletum tip. I’ll have to check it out. I’m working on compiling a list of recommended toddler/board books that I can make a blog feature on as I work with LD children and programs that promote literacy.

    Ilene Fine,
    Brandy and Val books and toys

  5. steve smallman says:

    Hi, I wrote Bumbletum (Also published in paperback under the title, ‘A Hug for humphrey’)
    Thanks for the lovely review, i’m so glad you and your daughter liked it.

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