Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature


on February 5, 2012

I was on Facebook this morning reading through my home page status’s and I found this, which is just up my alley!

So, I thought, what better way to get involved than to get us all involved. I have done something similar which was a great success for the school involved but this is bigger and better! So, take a read and if you can help please do!

Hello Friends

My name is Bianca. Today (Jan 4 2012) is my 36th Birthday! To celebrate I have decided to stop talking and start doing! Children, education and South Africa are 3 things I am passionate about. After much thought I have decided to launch PACT – Book Drive 2012!

Find a need and fill it. – Ruth Stafford Peale

Sometime in 2010/2011 I read a article that has ultimately lead me to this point.

The article stated there are over 28000 schools in South Africa and only 4000 School Libraries. I have done extensive research of my own into the subject and have worked on Social Research Projects covering various subjects including Local Government, HIV/ Aids, Early Childhood Development and other community based projects. I find it very sad that most children in rural South Africa and some more remote towns, even city schools are not equipped with a library. These children only see their surroundings at home (often poor, neglected, gang ridden areas) and very seldom get out of the area. They dont have libraries or internet facilities at school to learn more about the world and broaden their minds. The majority see little more than their reading books or perhaps a story book the teacher reads to them.

Education is key to the success of South Africa in the future, improving literacy levels NOW is vitally important.

We all know the effect reading has on people of all ages. I hope to make a difference in this area by providing children in the greater Cape Town area with colourful books/ stories to stimulate their minds and develop their imaginations…

I am therefore launching a Book Drive to supply 10 Cape Town Schools (creches, pre-primary schools and primary schools) who do not have libraries with age appropriate books. It does not have to be new books at all. 2nd hand books / ones your own children have outgrown will be much appreciated:)

I am appealing to friends and family to support this initiative in any way you can. My goal is to collect 1000 books this year. (100 Books per school) Anything over that will be a bonus and more schools can be added!

What I will need in order to reach this goal:

1. Join this page so I can communicate with those of you that would like to assist in either donation of books (preferably English only for now) or by spreading the word and creating awareness.
2. Donation of Age Appropriate Books (3-13 years)
3. Discuss with Friends and Family (or their friends and family) who have their own business premises in all areas of Cape Town about the possibility of them becoming a DROP OFF point. (This would also serve as great exposure for their business with additional foot traffic)
4. A printing company to Sponsor the printing for the boxes.
5. Sponsorship of DROP OFF boxes.
6. Nominations from yourselves for schools that would really benefit from this initiative. You know the schools in your area and which schools would really use it wisely. A website link, contact person name and email address would be 1st prize:)
7. Please share with friends and family or companies you think would be willing to become Sponsors of this project.
8. I have never launched this particular kind of project before so would also appreciate anyone with experience to offer volunteer assistance with the administration for now.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. – Dr. Seuss

Thanks in advance!

Collection boxes in the following areas would be ideal: Sea Point, Table view, Bellville, Brackenfell, Goodwood, Claremont, Somerset West, Plattekloof and Parow, Bergvliet, Muizenberg. If anyone knows of anyone in these areas that can assist by allowing a collection box on their premises, please put them in touch with this page or me with them. Email address is Bianca.

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