Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Literary Blog Hop

on June 23, 2012


The blog hop, which is being hosted by Judith at Leeswarmes, is open from June 23th to June 27th.Β  I missed out on the last one, but am back for this one!

So, what am I giving away and who am I giving it to? Well, that’s easy, a book… to YOU! If you want it, of course….


I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It was an easy read, it had me gripped and there was a twist which I so had not expected. I also thought it was a beautiful story, but yet poignant. Read it, even if you don’t win it!

This is one of my all time favourite books. It is fascinating and surreal but completely understandable at the same time. And did you know that a movie was made of it too?

This giveaway is open to everyone, wherever you may live in the world. Here’s what you need to do:

1) Leave a comment telling me which book you would like to win and why, and I don’t mind a little creativity in your reasons…

2) In that same comment, tell me what your most favourite book is, of all time!

3) Make sure you have a postal address. You do not need to have a blog to enter this give away but I will need an email address in order to get hold of the winner.


5) You are very welcome to tweet about this give away – @thebookclubblog

There are many other book bloggers who are taking part in this blog hop so if you fancy your chances of winning yourself a book, take a blog hop around, you will find a list of the participating bloggers at the end of this post,Β  you never know, you may just find yourself a fabulous new blog to read as well.

The blog hop closes on the 27th June. Winners will be announced and contacted via email by the 29th June at the latest. If I have not heard back from the winner within 3 days another winner will be picked.


  1. Leeswammes
  2. Candle Beam Book Blog
  3. Musings of a Bookshop Girl
  4. The Book Whisperer
  5. Book Journey (US/CA)
  6. breieninpeking (Dutch readers)
  7. bibliosue
  8. heavenali
  9. I Read That Once…
  10. The Parrish Lantern
  11. The Bibliomouse (Europe)
  12. Tell Me A Story
  13. Seaside Book Nook
  14. Rikki’s Teleidoscope
  15. Sam Still Reading
  16. Nishita’s Rants and Raves
  17. Readerbuzz
  18. Books Thoughts Adventures (North America)
  19. 2,606 Books and Counting
  20. Laurie Here (US/CA)
  21. Literary Winner (US)
  22. Dolce Bellezza
  23. The House of the Seven Tails
  24. The Book Diva’s Reads (US)
  25. Colorimetry
  26. Roof Beam Reader
  27. Kate’s Library
  28. Minding Spot (US)
  29. Silver’s Reviews (US)
  30. Book’d Out
  31. Fingers & Prose (US)
  32. Chocolate and Croissants
  33. Scattered Figments
  34. Lucybird’s Book Blog
  35. The Book Club Blog
  1. Lizzy’s Literary Life
  2. The Book Stop
  3. Reflections from the Hinterland (US)
  4. Lena Sledge’s Blog
  5. Read in a Single Sitting
  6. The Little Reader Library (UK)
  7. The Blue Bookcase (US)
  8. 1morechapter (US)
  9. The Reading and Life of a Bookworm
  10. Curled Up with a Good Book and a Cup of Tea
  11. My Sweepstakes City (US)
  12. De Boekblogger (Europe, Dutch readers)
  13. Exurbanis
  14. Sweeping Me (US/CA)
  15. Living, Learning, and Loving Life (US)
  16. Beauty Balm
  17. Uniflame Creates
  18. Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book (US/CA)
  19. Curiosity Killed The Bookworm
  20. Nose in a book (Europe)
  21. Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews (US)
  22. Giraffe Days
  23. Page Plucker
  24. Based on a True Story
  25. Read, Write & Live
  26. Devin Berglund (N. America)
  27. Ephemeral Digest
  28. Under My Apple Tree (US)
  29. Annette Berglund (US)
  30. Book Nympho
  31. A Book Crazy, Jane Austen Lovin’ Gal (US)
  32. Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity
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49 Responses to “The Literary Blog Hop”

  1. Nirmala says:

    I’d love to win a copy of Perfume. Its cover speaks to me and say “Come, read me”! πŸ˜‰ And my favourite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Fanda says:

    I’d like to have Perfume if I won.
    Perfume AND murder story are both my favorites; besides that, I have been intrigued by this book for years. It’s been translated in Indonesian language (where I stay) but people said that either the translation isn’t good, or the story is rather extra-ordinary, that many people dislike it. But I AM an extra-ordinary person, I used to like what general people dislike, so I’m quite intrigued by Perfume, and now hope to win it! *finger crossed*

    Thanks for the giveaway, anyway! There’s not many giveaway for literature..

  3. Fanda says:

    Sorry, I forgot to mention, that my favorite literature is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

  4. Sam says:

    I’d love to read Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend – the title is very cool!
    My favourite book is Cloudstreet by Tim Winton (Australian author).
    My email is samstillreading[at]gmail[dot]com
    Thank you for offering a great giveaway πŸ™‚

  5. Lizanne Baldwin says:

    I would like to win Memoirs of an Imaginary friend cos I’ve already read Perfume twice! First time was just after published in english and then 15 years later I chose it as my book group choice. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it as much 2nd time round but I’ve also seen the film!
    Favourite author is a difficult one – I have too many favourites of everything not just books! A Thousand Splendid Suns must be up there in top 5 books tho

  6. Ellie says:

    Hello! I’d have to go for ‘Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend’, mostly for the incredibly boring reason that I’ve already read ‘Perfume’. I loved it – I think Grenouille may be one of the most fascinating characters I’ve ever encountered in a novel! I also loved the film – the soundtrack is so beautiful…

    I’m always hard pressed to choose my most favouritest book EVER (it feels like choosing a favourite child!) but I’d have to go for either ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ or the wonderfully bookish ‘Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs’ (or ‘Time Was Soft Here’ in the US) by Jeremy Mercer. That book inspired me to open my own bookshop – which turns three next week! πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the giveaway – and happy hopping!
    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

  7. Jami McKinney says:

    I would like to win Memoirs of an Imaginary friend, my daughter was walking about by remarked she would like to read it as well. This one book would spread joy to my entire family. πŸ˜€

    My favorite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice.

  8. Disincentive says:

    I’d love to win Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend. Why? Because I have never had an imaginary friend. I even tried to have one – just punish myself to imagine her/him. It was a really big problem to me as a child… Could you believe?
    I know, it’s really stupid, but it’s true.

    I don’t have a favourite book. You’d better ask me about favourite book of this week. Or a month. I find things I love in a lot of books and it would be crazy to decide on only one to be the best.

    My email is
    πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  9. Mystica says:

    Favourite would be Shantaram. Made me look at life differently.

    I’d like either as they are new to me and your enthusiasm of the reads is catching!

  10. Renee says:

    I would choose “Perfume” for educational reasons. I’ve always wanted to make the most magical, perfect perfume . . . Kidding, kidding! πŸ™‚

    And my favorite book would either be “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” or “Fingersmith.”

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Fingers crossed!

    aquickredfox AT gmail DOT com

  11. Beth Diiorio says:

    Two great titles…difficult to choose one. I’d love to win Memoirs Of An Imaginary Friend. I’ve never heard of the title before and I love the idea of learning more about one’s connection to an imaginary friend. One of my all-time favorite’s is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Other favorites are Peace Like a Rive by Leif Enger, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and Hannah’s Dream by Dianne Hammond.
    My email is
    Thanks for a great giveaway~
    Beth πŸ™‚

  12. Isa says:

    Initially I was going to choose Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend but when I read the synopsis for Perfume, I got the chills. Perfume sounds like nothing I’ve ever read, it seems so unique and fascinating and somewhat twisted, I would love to read this book.

    I can’t really choose a favourite book but I’m currently reading The Book Thief and loving it so far. πŸ™‚
    Thank you!


  13. Sally says:

    I would pick ‘Perfume.’ It’s been on my TBR list for ages and I haven’t got around to it yet. I keep hearing such good things about it, so I’d love to finally delve in this summer. My favorite book is Lolita. Thanks for the chance!

  14. Parrish says:

    Perfume Please.

    I AM ME, MYSELF – Shuntaro Tanikawa

    I know who I am
    I am here now
    but I may be gone in an instant
    even if I am no longer here I am me, myself
    but in truth I do not have to be me

    I am a plant at least a little
    I may be a fish more or less
    I am also an ore with a dull sheen
    though I don’t know its name
    and of course I am almost you

    Because I cannot disappear after being forgotten
    I am a rhythm in a refrain
    I am a subtle wave and a particle
    having arrived, if I may be so conceited,
    riding on your heart’s beating rhythm
    from the light years of distance

    I know who I am
    so I know who you are
    even if I don’t know your name
    even if there is no census record
    I am crowding out into you

    Feeling happy being wet in rain
    feeling at home with the starry sky
    cackling at crude jokes
    I am me
    beyond the tautology of β€œI am me”

  15. Miltiadou Kristia says:

    I would like to win Memoirs of an Imaginary friend. I’ve already read Perfume. Fave book: Persuasion by Jane Austen. Thank you for the international giveaway!

  16. Lauren says:

    I would love the Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend…because despite being creative, I don’t think I ever had an imaginary friend.

    Favorite book of all time? I don’t know, but I do LOVE the perks of being a wallflower.

    email – lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  17. Becca A. says:

    I would love “Perfume” because I received the other choice as an arc!

    And favorite book of all time? SO hard to choose. I’ll choose from the books I’m offering for the hop, though! “Kite Runner” was a book that really changed how I felt and thought about certain things. It was incredibly moving.


  18. Gin says:

    I would like to win Memoirs of an Imaginary friend! My all time fav is the lord of the rings series… Love them~~

  19. Abby says:

    Perfume please. I think I have actually seen the movie! It was really interesting and different.

    I love Paradise by Judith McNaught, one of my ultimate faves. Love the author and the modern day romance in this book. Loads of emotions

  20. Laura P. says:

    I’d love to read Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend because I’ve worked with autistic people in the past and the plot sounds really interesting. Also, the author is from my home state.

    It is hard to choose a favorite book because I like so many for different things. I’ll just pick a category, though, my favorite warmhearted read is All Creatures Great and Small.

  21. I’d like Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend, because I had some of those myself when I was little!
    I really struggle to choose a favourite book of all time, possible The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender.

  22. I’d love to read Imaginary Friend. Light sounds good this summer.

    debnance at gmail dot com

    Here’s my
    Literary Blog Hop Giveaway.
    I hope you will stop by!

  23. nan says:

    I’d choose Perfume. Best read EVER…one of mm kaye’s epic novels, from way back when.

  24. Suz Reads says:

    Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Both books sounds great but I would love to win Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend! I think every child should have an imaginary friend and would love to hear a story from their perspective! Plus, my library does not have a copy and I would give them my copy when I was done!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  25. josje says:

    I would like to read Memoirs of an imaginary Friend, because the prescryption of the books sounds good to me. One of best books I ever read is Rebecca from Daphne du Maurier.

  26. I would love to win Memoirs of an Imaginary friend because my best friend read it and said it was amazing. My favorite book right now is Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and I very much recommend it!

  27. Darlene says:

    I’d love to win Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend. It sounds very interesting, and I have never heard of it.

    One of my faves is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  28. Ileana A. says:

    u.u I can’t chooseeee! 😯
    But ok ok, I need to pick one…
    Perfume by Patrick Suskind it is. I had the chance to read the first two chapter some time ago and it was so freaking good, like the way the author can express/write the sensations, the feelings of the character just for the scent of others 😎 So I need to finish it! Thank you so much for the giveaway!


  29. Ileana A. says:

    😯 oh no I forgot to put my favorite book of all time :mrgreen:
    Fav book: The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. Thanks

  30. Lilian says:

    I would LOVE to win a copy of Perfume!
    I have always been intrigued with reading about criminals..and murderers, and Perfume sounds like just like my kind of book! And the idea of perfume just as another layer of suspense I would love to unravel. I only hope the translator did a good job…

    I hope I win, I have my fingers and toes crossed! Thank you for the giveaway!

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  31. Virginie Menzildjian says:

    Hello :mrgreen: !
    I would love to get “Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend” should I be the lucky winner because I already have Perfume which I read a looong time ago in french and which I adored!
    fantastic and quite disturbing book, one you can not put down.
    My favorite book πŸ˜› of all times is “Wuthering Heights” by Emily BrontΓ«.
    Many thanks for entering my name and greetings from France!


  32. I would love to win Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend. Because… I read Sundays at Tiffany’s by James Patterson that also had an imaginary friend. I loved the concept but that book was a little to simple for me, not very believable. This book has a better cover so I think it will be a better read. πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for joining the giveaway hop!

  33. Sean says:

    My choice would be Memoirs Of An Imaginary Friend because it makes me think of… memoirs of a geisha? πŸ™‚ My favorite so far would be The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Thank you for your generosity!

  34. Shayne says:

    having never had an imaginary friend – maybe now is the time?

    Tried Perfume some time ago but never got into it.


  35. Hira Hasnain says:

    Thank you for your generosity, and for being part of the Literary Giveaway Hop.

    I’d love to win “Perfume”, because I find it fascinating to read about murderers, or deviants. I think such novels, even though are works of fiction, are like a study into the psyche of the tainted human soul. What makes a seemingly ordinary, or presumably normal, man tick? What makes him tick enough to want to kill? Questions, I believe, we should all persevere to acquire answers to. I mean, if not to make our world a more safer place, then to at least understand humanity, as a whole.

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  36. Hira Hasnain says:

    Oh, and although this may not be regarded as an extra entry, I apologize because I forgot to complete the requirements, and let you know my favorite book of all time, which would have to be “Pride & Prejudice” by Jane Austen. Empowering female characters, very real and relatable characters, and a storyline that keeps your invested at all times – this one’s a REAL classic! πŸ˜‰

    Thank you, again, for this amazing opportunity! πŸ˜€

  37. erma Hurtt says:

    I’d love to read perfume

  38. Memoirs Of An Imaginary Friend because, er, I like memoirs πŸ™‚
    The book sounds really interesting.
    tanjavrljic AT gmail DOT com

  39. Esme says:

    I would probably enjoy either-thank you for the new suggestions.

    Favourite all time book Great Gatsby

  40. Lisa Hackney says:

    I would love to win either, but if I must choose I guess I would go with Memoirs of An Imaginary Friend because…. my imaginary friend told me to?

  41. SarahC. says:

    I’d choose Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend, as I already have Perfume. I have far too many favourite books to mention, but Rebecca and Jane Eyre are two which I re-read frequently. Hope you’ve had a great Hop!

  42. Stephanie W. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win either book. I don’t know my favorite book of all time – there are just too many to choose from! I love all of Anne Rice’s books though.

  43. Rebecca Wilson says:

    I would like Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend.
    A favorite book that I have read in the passed year that I could not put down was the Host.

  44. Amy says:

    Both books sound great! Since I have to choose one, I’m entering your giveaway to win Perfume.
    I like the excitement and suspense in books about murder but this one especially interests me because the sense of smell, at the center of the story, is the one sense that I don’t possess or that doesn’t work well for me. I have had intense allergies my entire life and, as a child, I had many, many surgeries. The stressand the anaesthesia destroyed my sense of smell. A story about a super and very specific sense of small that eventually leads a character to murder is too fascinating, fun and bizarre to pass up!

    My favorite book of all time is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

    Thank you for a terrific giveaway!

  45. MaΕ‘a says:

    I’d like Perfume. I almost finished it once, but I was a little slow and had to return it to the library. I loved it, but somehow I never remembered to borrow it again. the movie was also wonderful.

  46. Linda Kish says:

    Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend
    It sounds like a wonderful story. My son would have been diagnosed with Aspergers if it had existed when he was young. Instead he had other multiple diagnoses. He would have benefited from such a good imaginary friend as Budo.

    My favorite book of all time is In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  47. Ruth Hill says:

    Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend sounds intriguing just in its very title. My favorite book of all time is still A Tale of Two cities.

  48. Mae says:

    My favorite book of all time is Jane Eyre. If I won your challenge, I would choose Perfume. A friend of mine recently recommended it to me. Thanks for the opportunity!

  49. curlygeek04 says:

    I’d love to win a copy of Perfume, I’ve always heard great things about it. My favorite all time book? I’d say Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy or, going back to childhood, the Oz books by L. Frank Baum.

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