The Local Lit Scene

celebrating South African Literature beyond our past

The Joys of Book Shopping!

on August 1, 2010

The Cape Town Book Fair is the place to be this weekend, only ending tomorrow so if you haven’t managed to get yourself there yet, you still have time!

I went along today, unfortunately not as alone as I would have liked. Bean came along with me, but I have to admit that she was a delight. In fact, I think she had as much fun as I did. Apart from finding children’s mags for a mere R10 and getting free popcorn, which she proceeded to perch on any available book shelf to eat (and read whatever book was available for her to read) she trotted along next to me, no complaining what soever and didn’t mind me saying ‘ lets have a look here, babs’. I think she will grow up to be an avid reader-have I mentioned that she is beginning to recognise letters? Ah, I can’t wait until she can read! Anyhoo, I am going slightly off track…

The Book Fair was delicious. There were thousands of books, and if anyone had gone in without a budget and decided to shop, they may have ended up broke:-)

This is what I came home with and is waiting patiently for ‘me time’ to get stuck into the bag of goodies.

Our Tragic Universe – Scarlett Thomas.

I have been an avid fan of hers ever since I discovered her years ago with Popco. Brilliant writer, expect a review soon!

Comfort by Tina Bester. My fingers are itching to use these recipes. They look delectable. I unfortunately did not get to see her yesterday at the Book Fair due to baking orders but I did get a glance at Jodie Piccoult and heard some of her interview.

More Milly Molly Mandy by Joyce Lankester Drisley. Anotherof my childhood favourites which I just could not resist.

How to catch a star by Oliver Jeffers. This is one of Bean’s favourites and so I had to purchase it for her, of course.

They had thousands more, which honestly I could have stocked at least a whole book shelf but I held back, it is only the beginning of the month…

There were also magazines on sale for R10 so I managed to find a couple of foodie mags and am rather tempted to go back again for more. But I will reign myself in and stick to my budget, no matter how hard it may be. Will power!

Have you found anything good to read lately?

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One Response to “The Joys of Book Shopping!”

  1. Milly-Molly-Mandy was one of my daughter’s (and my) favorites! Great bunch of books

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