Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

Photo challenge

I have joined in a photo a day challenge for the next 30 days and so far, I am thoroughly enjoying it! All my photos will be taken with an iPhone and I am attempting to think ‘out the box’ in regards to my capturing. Interpreting the prompts as I see fit. So far I am only on day two and I may not post every day here (as I am doing this via facebook too) but will put them all in one place by the end of it.

Day One:

Day Two:

I rather like these two so far and am looking forward to capturing the rest of the month.

If anyone would like to join in, please do, just leave a comment as to where you will be posting so we can come and look see.

Happy Photographing!

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Changing it up

Just a little bit. After some consideration I have decided to combine my two blogs onto The Book Club Blog. Finding the time to keep two blogs updated just isn’t working for me anymore, what with life, work and children, well, child. So, from now on, I will be blogging here. I will still mainly be blogging about the books I read, books I love, books I don’t, just with a touch of life thrown in for good measure.

I have read a couple of good books lately, time, she is in great command at the moment so I am not reading as much as I would like to but that will soon be remedied by the Christmas Holiday coming up. Excited much! I plan to do much loafing, much reading and much resting. It will be a well deserved break from the busyness that is life.

The last book I read was chick lit – Tasmina Perry Kiss Heaven Goodbye, a book club book which I have to say I did rather enjoy. Light, easy reading, without too much thinking involved which was perfect for a busy week wind down. What is it about? A group of friends are on holiday on a private island, a murky secret keeps them locked in the past while trying to live their futures and it all comes back to haunt them at the end. Nice little twist at the end, which I have to admit, I didn’t see coming! I have not read Tasmina Perry before, but for light easy reading, I may just do it again…

Another book which I enjoyed, I recently purchased from Exclusive Books with my ‘cash back’ voucher, don’t you love those?? was The Shock of the Fall – Nathan Filer. I enjoyed this book, also an easy read, but with a little more depth than my previous read;-) I don’t really want to give too much away as I think it would spoil the reading of it, but here is the back of the book blurb to give you an idea:

‘I’m going to tell you why we came back from the caravan holiday without Simon and how I spent the next ten years living with him. About Nanny Noo’s typewriter and why dead people still have birthdays. About the shock of the fall and the blood on my knee.

There are books you cant stop reading which keep you up all night.

There are books which let us into the hidden parts of life and make them vividly real

There are books which, because of the sheer skill with which every word is chosen, linger in your mind for days.

The Shock of the Fall is all of these books’

Intriguing right? I thought so and it did not disappoint. Definitely a most readable book and definitely skillfully written. I think this would make a great book gift.

As for other stuff, can you believe that Christmas is yet again, almost apon us? This year has flown by in a flurry of days, oh to be a child where the days are longer than they are…

Do you have any particular books you would like Santa to bring you? I don’t actually have anything on my wish list this year so far, can you believe it? Best I get some recommendations….(thats your cue…)

And with that I bid you a fond good night, I am off to read a little bit of my latest book – Elizabeth Gilbert – The Signature of all things. So far, an enjoyable read, nothing like Eat Pray Love, if you were groaning at the thought…;-)

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So many books, so little time…

Where to start?! I have had a lovely reading week and have managed to finish 4 books in the past 2 week and all of them enjoyable.

First up:  The Worlds Strongest Librarian – a memoir of Tourettes, Faith, Strength and the Power of Family by Josh Hanagame. I received this from the Christmas in July Book Swop, and what a great read. I thoroughly enjoyed it! And to be honest, what the book is about is in its title… definitely a book which makes you thankful for your lot and also, depending on the state of your family, possibly a little envious. Josh’s family structure is awesome, his parents are with him one hundred percent but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t get pushed to succeed in his life even with his tourettes. His faith- mormon, was an interesting read, I really enjoyed learning more about it. All in all a fabulous well recommended read!

Then I read Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius, which is also a true story about a boy who gets a mysterious illness which paralyses him completely and his journey from when he ‘wakes up’. Truly uplifting, heart warming, yet heart breaking in places, makes you realise the tenacity of life when there is love and recognition. He teaches himself to read, to communicate and to love. Beautiful book and again, highly recommended.

I was very keen to read Tiger Babies Strike Back – Kim Wong Keltner, especially after reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother – which caused controversy with mothers everywhere;-) but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. Thats not to say it wasn’t enjoyable or interesting, it was, but I think I was expecting a little more oomph,why I am not entirely sure, probably just because of the other book I presume. This one was a lovely read, it was more about why Tiger Mothers are as they are, how they came to be that way and some Chinese history thrown in for good measure. She tell us how she is parenting differently because of how she was raised, but I think Tiger Mother or not, if you didn’t like the way you were raised, there is a pretty good chance that you are going to change your parenting style from those of your parents. I enjoyed this book, very readable, she has a lovely style of writing though I do have to admit to finding some paragraphs a little over the top, but at the same time, I could understand why she was writing as she did. I don’t think this book is for everyone. I do think that some readers may get a bit bored as there does seem to be repetition on the same subjects. This is one you will have to try for yourself…! ( I am glad to see that she has other fiction books out, which I am interested in trying.)

and on that note, I will leave you to it. More reviews to follow soon, currently I am reading Perfect by Rachel Joyce the author of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry which I Loved. This one seems to be slightly darker but it remains to be seen at the end of the book.

Happy Reading Week everyone!

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And the winner is….



Thank you, you followed all the steps and your name was drawn out of a hat:-)

Please contact me  within the next three days to let me know what book you would like The Book Depository to send you.


Thank you to everyone who entered, I wish I could give you all free books:-)


Springtime Giveaway!

and this time it is international.

One lucky Book Club Blog reader will win any book of your choosing up to the value of $15 from The Book Depository, please check to see that they deliver to your country.

What do you need to do to enter?

3 simple steps.

1) Like us on FB

2) Share this give away via blog/twitter/facebook, either or, you choose

3) Tell us your favourite springtime reading either book title or author or what you hope to read this Spring or what you have read this Spring. You choose.

And thats it!

Please make sure that you leave an email address in order to get hold of you if you win. No email address, no entry;-(

On the 23rd September 2013 I will put all your names into a hat and my daughter will choose one. Yes, it really is as easy as all that. So,what are you waiting for??


Random Bookish news

I went off to the Exclusive Books Warehouse sale last week and found myself some books to read! For 12 books it cost me a mere R125. Can you believe it? I am so saving the date for the next one, must keep my eyes open, I was rather late to this years one…

So from being barren in books, I am now abundant in them and I went to Book Club last night and the library yesterday afternoon. Now to find some hours to dedicate to my books!

I read Isabel Losada’s ‘ The Battersea Park Road to Paradise over this weekend which I thoroughly enjoyed. I first discovered her many years ago with For Tibet with Love, which was a fantastic read and the The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment. You can check out her website here.

Next up is a light hearted read from Erica James Promises Promises. I really enjoy her writing, easy to read and written from the heart. Again, about real life.

I am also waiting eagerly for Allegiant (third in the Divergent series by Veronika Roth) which is being published in October! Can’t wait!! If you haven’t read the first two yet, best get yourself a copy, brilliant stuff!

And after being at the library on Saturday, I have placed my order to read Perfect by Rachel Joyce. Loved The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, so would love to read this next one by her. Has anyone read it yet?

As for the Christmas in July Bookswop, please let me know,( if you haven’t already) that you have received your parcels in the post! Thanks!

And that is about if for now, I am off to bed to peruse my novel, see you at Book Club!

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Christmas in July Book Swop

Its that time of year again!

 Middle of the year, hum drum, where we are all feeling in need of a little TLC, a little holiday and a little bit of spoiling. And this is where The Book Club Blog comes in…

The Christmas in July Book Swop!

What is it?

A book Swop with a difference whereby you sign up, get allocated a partner to swap with and then receive your gift in the post.

What needs to be in the swap?

One book, anything book related and a small gift. This is the half year mark and if you are feeling anything like me, a gift coming via the post, is just the sort of pick me up that will ‘pick you up’. The limit to the spend is R150.(You are welcome to spend a little more if you fancy, but there is no need to go overboard, the thought behind the gift is the main concern) Just enough to find a perfectly hand picked present and a second hand book and top it up with the postage costs.

When will it happen?

All sign ups need to be done by the 26 July, partners will be allocated by the 27th and gifts need to be sent out by the 3rd August giving us all a weeks grace to get it done.

This is not meant to be a stressful endeavor, just a fun one so I do hope you will all join in and feel the love this Winter.

Once you have signed up, you will be sent an email that needs to be completed and then returned to me by the 26th July at midnight by the very latest. This email will then be sent to the partner that will be assigned to you and vice versa so that your gifter will know what type of things you enjoy, books you like to read and if there is anything specific on your wish list.

What you need to do now?

Simply leave a comment in the comments section or email me and lets get this Christmas in July book swap on the go!

Please share the love by blogging about the swap, tweeting and face booking, lets get us all involved and put as many smiles on as many faces as we can! This is not an international give away but if any of you are willing to send internationally you can just let me know when you sign up and if there are enough of us willing to do that, then I will make it international.

You can read about our previous book swaps here and here.

PS. You do not need to have a blog in order to take part, but you do need a postal address!

So, whose in??

This swop is now closed.


For all you food lovers out there, a Q&A with Jackie Cameron

Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home, One of my new favourite cookbooks at the moment… check out my review here. I promise you won’t be disappointed with this cook book…

Thanks Jackie for doing a Q&A with The Book Club Blog!

1) In a market that is saturated with cookbooks, what do you think makes yours unique?

I find a lot of recipe books out there are trying to prove to the world that the authors are extremely creative and know about food.  So they are doing items that impress on paper so a stew fruit with a rose syrup this and a lavender essence that…in my book you find a delicious STEW FRUIT just how my grandmother would make.  No bells and whistles just great flavours.  I am not trying to prove to the world that I can cook (I am confident in this fact) I’m merely trying to help the house-cook to improve their day-to-day cooking.  To bring the how-to recipe book filled with recipes that work.  I truly believe if people are cooking better at home they will expect a higher level of food in restaurants and in-turn the entire level of food will step up.

2) What made you decide to write a cookbook?

Why not…I wanted to do one by the age of 30-I just wanted that!  I started writing my Witness Newspaper column years ago as a base to work off.  It was all aligning me in understanding the basics in recipe writing, development and truly what people enjoy cooking.  The more comments I get the more popular I feel the recipe.  With everything I do there is normally a very well thought through process of which I go through to ensure I can make the most out of the situation I throw myself into.

3) Clearly a food lover, your book “Jackie Cameron Cooks At Home’ has some lovely recipes for an aspiring foodie, what is your favourite recipe from your book and why?

This is like asking a parent which child is his or her favourite.  Every recipe in the book I have a connection with and a little story to go with it…all are very special in one or other way.

4) What is your favourite memory associated with food and why?

Most of my foodie-memories are around childhood happiness around a kitchen or dining room table.

5) Because this is a book blog interview, what books do you like to read when you are not cooking?

I am always reading something foodie if the time allows.  Always trying to learn and improve the knowledge of which I have.  From recipe books to memoirs.

6) Do you have a favourite author?

Any foodie author…Thomas Keller’s recipe books to Gordan Ramsey’s memoirs to Anthony Bourdain-Kitchen confidential.  All must reads of which I can learn and gain from reading.

7) Who are your foodie inspirations?

I am inspired not only by the world-class chefs out-there but also by the environment I live and the people I work with.

8) What is the weirdest thing that you have a) cooked and b) eaten?

Mapani worms.  I cooked these for a South African celebration event in Prague.  Not ideal.

9) What to you do in your ‘off’ time?

Off time…what is that? ; ) There is nothing better than going to Pennington on the South Coast, were we have a cottage, and just chilling.

10) Tell us one thing about yourself that is not public knowledge.

That is difficult as I am pretty-open.  I am looking into getting a pet-pig as I think this will be wonderfully different.  Imagine walking a pig!  My pig can enjoy all our kitchen leftovers…I hate waste ; )  We shall see many people are steering me against this.

Thank you for doing an interview with The Book Club Blog.  I love your cook book and will be trying out your chocolate chip cookies and corn fritters this week.

Wonderful, I am so so so sorry for the delay.  Things have been crazy!Thanks so very much for asking me to do this.  Your support is appreciated!  Hope you enjoyed the cookies and corn fritters ; )

Yes, Jackie, the cookies were delicious and the fritters are now a weekly regular round at our house!



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And the winner of our Awesome Give away is…..


Barefoot Med Student!

Congratulations! And say thanks to for picking your number;-)

And email will be sent out to you asking for all your details that we need.

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Around Madagascar on my kayak – a review

Riaan Manser does it again!

I am sure that he must have some sort of crazy in him in order to do these adventures! There is no way, you would find me kayaking around an island all by my lonesome…

but what an awesome book and story. The only thing that I can say negatively about it is that it just ends far to quickly! You get completely caught up in the adventure, this is truly armchair travel at its best, and before you know it, Riaan has made it to his finish point and the reader is left adrift.

So, what to tell you about this book? Firstly, if you enjoy true stories, adventure ones at that, then this is a must read. Secondly, he does what it says on the cover, goes around Madagascar on a Kayak and thirdly, Riaan’s writing is wonderful. Sucks you in and gushes you right back out at the end. The experiences that he has, some not so lekker and others awe inspiring really do just make you realise that most of us, like our creature comforts a little too much to go off adventuring like that;-)

I am very glad that I still have one more book of his left to read, Around Iceland on Inspiration. Thank goodness for that!

(Keep an eye out for an exclusive interview with the man himself..!)

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