Musings of a South African Bookworm

sharing my love of books with a special focus on SA literature

The Silkworm – Robert Gailbraith

Welcome to my new favourite series! I read The Cuckoo’s Calling a few months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it! You can read my review here and the next in the series does not disappoint.

Cormoran Strike is officially one of my new favourite characters in a book with his trusty sidekick Robin, who is navigating her relationship with her fiancé and having found her calling in her work life. I do like how it is been portrayed in the book and adds in an extra dimension to the characters. Strike is Strike, a war veteran with one leg and relationship issues with his ex. I really enjoyed that he didn’t succumb to his fleeting desire to get in contact with his ex girlfriend Charlotte.

I found the murder in this book a little gruesome (and have to admit to having had a night mare one night which was closely related to the books murder…doesn’t happen often when a storyline heads into my dreamscapes…) but the book was full of literary references and was twisty enough to keep one interested and entertained. The only thing which I did notice and which detracted slightly from the book, was the continued references to how Strike was feeling at times, it just felt a little repetitive, though I am not sure if it is just because I read the first one a few months ago, so still have that as a reference inside my head or if it was slightly repetitive. Other than that, I enjoy her writing and I think she manages to wheel the reader in and keep one there in order to find out what happens.

I would highly recommend this series if you are interested in crime novels with a heart.

Have you read it, what did you think? Are you as taken in as I am?

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Book Review – The Waves by Jen Minkman

The Waves is the second in The Island books. You can read my first review here.

Though this book can be a stand alone book, it shows us the other side of the story that we read in The Island, and get an understanding of some of the characters that we meet in The Island. I did enjoy this short book and I have to admit that Jen Minkman does definitely write readable books. Though I do find her books a little under utilised, with regards to the fleshing out of  characters and story line, they are very readable and she manages to draw the reader in to her story so you want to know what happens next.

The third in this series is called The Deep and concludes the story of The Island.

I would recommend this book for teens, and though it is dystopian in form, it is not as hard core as the likes of The Hunger Games etc.

Available in English and Afrikaans on Kalahari, and easy read when you need a quick fix, though I would recommend reading the series in chronological order.

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My most recent book list

So, I have about a months worth of book reviews to write up, so instead of writing long reviews, I’m going to give you my list of books, with a link to Goodreads to see what they are about and a one liner as to what I thought of it. That way you can make your own decision as to wether you fancy reading it or no;-)

The Golem and the Jinni – Helene Wecker

3* book, I enjoyed it but didn’t like the ending, her writing is enjoyable and the book was interesting with a dose of magical and reality meeting in the middle

Lost lake – Sarah Addison Allen

3* Sarah is one of my favourite authors as she always add in a touch of the magical into her writing where there is always an element of otherworldliness to her characters. I enjoyed this and if you are a fan of her writing, you should enjoy it.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Ransom Riggs

4* Thoroughly enjoyed this odd book where again fantasy meets reality ( are you detecting a theme from my choice of books here??) The ending was dreadful (in the fact that I wanted more and it just stopped!) but luckily there is the second one out so I would recommend that you have both on hand when starting the first one.

The House we grew up in – Lisa Jewell

3 and a half * Lisa Jewell books are always easy to read, and this one proved no different. I did enjoy this one as the issues it deals with are not your usual fare in a chick lit novel.

The Fault in our Stars – John Green

5* Tear fest of note! A simple love story between two young adults who have cancer. Beautifully written and just the most loveliest book I have read in a wee while. And go see the movie, but go prepared with tissues! And if you have not yet read this, do!

What have you read lately??

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Currently: June

So Winter has arrived, with snow on the mountain and freezing mornings and evenings! We have had a couple of really nice warm days lately but some rainy days too. Winter for me is a time for hibernation, a time to stay warm and a time to try and get creative. To do inside things. Coffee, fires, soups and snuggles on the couches with movies.

But before we get to that point this is where I am currently:

Reading: Night Music by Jo Jo Moyes

Drinking: Seriously, way to much coffee! I bought a Nespresso machine and a milk frother, which means I have delicious coffee on tap;-) And two of my latest addictions? Espresso with a lindt ball inside, oh my! and the chocolate fat shake from The Real Meal Revolution. Try it, its goooood.

Eating: Nourishing and warming foods and trying to get my greens in

Feeling: hibernatory! With some inspiration thrown in for the studio. So much so, that I am going to be purchasing two new pieces of equipment! will be poor so I will be hibernating, its a win win;-)

Working: on our duet silks routine which is coming up in August. Trying to be brave enough to drop myself while hanging on only with my feet. AND our Winter Pilates Challenge at the studio whereby the clients have chosen a specific exercise to work on for the next two months aiming to see the difference between now and then within 8 weeks.

Loving: Finger gloves and scarfs!

Wanting: A really nice and warm and cosy and snuggly jersey. Cannot find any in any woman’s clothing stores, I think Im going to head into the men’s department and see what they have! Luckily, my sister, bless her! has found me one for a fraction of the price that I didn’t want to have to part with. Looking forward to getting cosy with it!

Craving: Sweetie pie cupcakes from Treat Patisserie. (Or a slice of my sisters decadent chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting!)

Investing: In a Wall Springs Unit for the studio AND reformer. So Exciting!

Enjoying: My daughter! She is such a beautiful little soul. Watching the children flourish in the Kiddie-lates classes, AND my adult clients too.

Woolies fingerless gloves, want? Yes please                                                        Pretty scarf from Poetry for these grey Winter days

What are you currently up to? Tell tell!


Lemongrass Hope – a review

Wow! You have to read this book.

I was approached by the author – Amy Impellizzeri – to see if I would be keen to read her book, and I am so very glad I said yes.

Lemongrass Hope is a book about life, about the decisions we think are wrong, about how we can live in the past for ages without even realising it and how one should really take life by the horns and live it. I found that this book resonated with me as I used to wonder quite often wether the choice I had made was the right one, and if there might be something ‘better’ out there, a while ago, I came to the realisation that it is how we face our life, and our decisions that make it. Our attitude to our choices and the decisions and how we approach life. Are we positive? Or do we constantly think that the grass is greener on the other side? I think that if we live in that constant state of wanting something which we don’t have we loose the joy and fundamental truth of living in the now. And I do believe that Amy has managed to pass this sentiment along beautifully.

So, while I am waxing lyrical about a book you haven’t read yet, or possibly even heard about, let me get back to basics and tell you what it is about.

Kate is struggling with family life and love under stress in the here-and-now when her fate is changed with a rather unique idea and she has the chance to change her destiny with the meeting of her soul mate in a different time and place. Her decision will change everything but gives her a chance to ‘go back to her wrong turn’. What does she do? Well, that my dear people, is the story so I won’t tell you here but suffice to say that the idea behind it is unique and really does make you think about your own ‘wrong turns’ and if you would, in fact do it differently.

This is a magical book where realism hits time travel hits love story and I do believe will resonate with a large portion of woman, moms and even those of us struggling to combine what we have with what we thought we would have.

Read it, it is lovely and unique. Amy’s writing pulls you in and just when you least expect it, hands you a twisty turn which suddenly has you engrossed instead of just enjoying and wondering where the story is going, at just the right part!

The book is due out in October 2014, and when its here, I would highly recommend it. Put it on the list for your book club.

If you would like to know more about Amy, you can check out her website here

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Interview with Greg Lazarus

Greg Lazarus is a South African husband and wife duo writing team, who brought us ‘ The Book of Jacob’ and ‘When in broad daylight I open my eyes’. The most recent novel to come from the two of them is Paradise, set in Cape Town. Here is a quick summary:

Maja Jellema is in Cape Town to do what she does best – steal. Her new employer wants a certain item from a building in Loop Street, and the only thing that stands between Maja and her prize is Hershel Bloch, the bumbling building manager. But what seems like the easiest job Maja has ever seen is about to get a whole lot more complicated . . .

Will Maja be able to finish the  job in time to save her no-good brother from large Dutch men with no sense of humour?

Can Hersh turn his topsy-turvy world around before he gets fired from Black Enterprises for being the worst estate agent in the history of the universe?

Will Surita finally make peace with her father and stop using her judo skills on people who just want to hug her?

Can the rage-filled waitresses at The People’s Republic – the greatest socialist coffee shop in all of Cape Town – produce even one cup of coffee without backchat?

Only time will tell. And it’s running out.

Which does sound rather interesting I have to admit, and once I have read it I will let you know the verdict.

But here I am, jumping ahead of myself! The Book Club Blog asked Greg and Lisa a couple of questions regarding writing together while being married, I mean, really, I know it happens, but if I try to imagine myself and The Man attempting to write something together I imagine flames coming out of his nostril and extreme frustration on my part;-) so, I do believe it takes some sort of harmonious energy in order to do it and by the looks of things to do it well.

So, without further ado, lets see how they do it!

How did you decide to write together?

We had a baby. And then we fought all the time. Seriously!

 Our first book, The Book of Jacob, was a memoir and we wrote it for cathartic reasons. We also thought that readers might be interested in hearing how one’s life and relationships are radically changed from both a male and a female perspective. Most memoirs about babies are written from the women’s point of view. A few are written by men about their experiences. We wanted both.

 After that, it was a short step to fiction. In our fantasy or imaginary world of writing, we never argued – it might sound strange, but it’s true: writing is the one area of our life that is free from any conflict. There’s also something deeply romantic about sharing an imaginary world with your partner. 

 There are certain places around Cape Town where we know the other one is imagining the same thing. We have a tense scene in When in Broad Daylight I Open my Eyes, a psychological thriller, at Graaff’s pool in Sea Point. Whenever we walk on the promenade, we look at Graaff’s pool and imagine our central character Kristof, an enigmatic and sexually perverse philosopher, diving into the water and swimming out to sea.

 How do you set the rules as to who does what and how do you reach consensus when writing. How does this affect your writing and your relationship?

Writing, as we mentioned, feels good for our relationship. We used very different strategies for our two novels, When in Broad Daylight and Paradise. For the first novel, the thriller, we began with a simple idea.  There would be two main characters: a female psychologist and a man with bad intentions. Every scene was to be written from the perspective of either the psychologist or the menacing figure. We each took charge of one character, and assigned the scenes accordingly.

 That first draft was a mess. However, once we had finished it, we had gained more insight into our characters, plot and setting. We then went back to the beginning and rewrote everything scene by scene. This time we collaborated closely: we bounced the chapters between each other many times, deleting scenes, adding new ones. Then we worked through the book again, and again…  

 For Paradise – a comedy about lawlessness and a serious allegory about oppression, in which we’ve tried to present engaging and believable characters – we passed the manuscript between us for the first draft, each of us writing between 300 and 1000 words at a time. We found this a better method as there was more coherence in plot and character. We felt immersed in the story together, from early on. 

 And what motivates you to put pen to paper?

We’re driven to do it. Of course we love books and everything to do with books – libraries and book launches, authors (well, most authors) and book shops. And going out for coffee – because during or after a visit to a book shop, you always have to go out for coffee.

 We were both voracious childhood readers and we’ve always charted our lives through books. We remember periods of our lives partly through what we were reading. Because we love and respect stories, we want to add some of our own to this huge resource, to create worlds that some people might wish to visit.

Thank you Lisa and Greg for you candid honesty in this interview, it was great to see ‘How you do it’.(And I HAVE to agree that you yes, you have to go out for coffee after going to a book shop, they just go together.)

If you would like more information on this great writing duo you can check out their website here and buy their books here.





I am number four

I loved this book!

Part of my library loot, it was the first I read out of them and I couldn’t put it down! Its a bit like The Hunger Games but with aliens and no games. I enjoyed it so much I went to purchase the second in the series: The Power of Six. I have not yet started reading it as I am still reading The Golem and the Djinni (which I was distracted by reading due to reading this one instead and not much time to read last week).

So, what is it about?

Most of the story is told in the first-person by Number Four, who takes the name John Smith. As the story begins, he and his guardian, Henri, learn of the death of Number Three and move to Paradise, Ohio, assuming new identities. There, John befriends conspiracy theorist Sam Goode and is ‘adopted’ by a dog identified by its name tag as Bernie Kosar. He also meets and is attracted to a fellow student who is an amateur photographer, Sarah Hart. Sarah’s ex-boyfriend, football player Mark James, is a bully who torments both John and Sam.

‘John Smith’ is an alien who was evacuated from his planet when the Mogadorians destroyed it and now they are also on Earth to destroy this planet too. This is the first in a series written by Pittacus Lore who is a pseudonym for James Frey (author of A Million Little Pieces – awesome book that too) and Jobie Hughes. When I saw that, I completely understood how this book was so readable, as loved A Million Little Pieces, if you haven’t yet read it, I would highly recommend it!

This book has also been turned into a movie, which I haven’t yet seen and was released last year. Have you seen it?

I am number four is the first in a proposed six part series, and if the story line stays as interesting as the first one, then I think thats great! Have you read this, what did you think? I am hoping that my niece has not yet read it as she will be getting the first three books for Christmas… (Shayne if you are reading this, sssshhhhhhh….)

Happy Monday!

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Library Loot

I popped down to the library on Saturday morning and got myself some books to read. I am still currently reading The Golem and the Djinni by Helen Wecker on my ereader and loving it but considering Im halfway in, Im going to need something to read again soon. This is what I have lined up.


This loot of books is a batch of children’s books, yes I do enjoy reading them, its a nice break…

The 13 Curses – Michelle Harrison

When fairies stole her brother, Red vowed to get him back. Now trapped in the fairy realm, she strikes a bargain with the fairy court: her brother in exchange for all thirteen charms from her friend Tanya’s bracelet. But as Red sets out on her quest to retrieve the charms, she soon learns that the fairies have done more than hide them — they’ve enchanted them with the twisted qualities of the Thirteen Treasures they represent. And the longer the charms are missing, the more dangerous they become….

Night Music- Jo Jo Moyes

The Spanish House is a hotch potch of designs, Georgian, Gothic and Moorish, as if whoever started it had simply got bored. It has long been known to locals as an architectural folly, and is now nearly derelict to boot.

When its reclusive owner dies intestate the Spanish House is left to his city-dwelling niece. For Isabel, recently widowed, the house is a potential lifeline – the only hope she has of providing for her two children without having to sell her most treasured possession. But for neighbour Matt McCarthy, the house is revenge – on the family who ruined his father. For his wife it’s the key to the perfect family life, while a struggling property developer sees in it a whole new future.

As desires clash and intertwine, lives and loves are demolished – and the Spanish House becomes a true folly indeed . .

I Am Number Four – Pittacus Loew

Nine alien teenagers are hiding on Earth. Three are dead. Number Four is next. This is the launch of a gripping, action-packed series that was the basis for the blockbuster DreamWorks feature film.

Igraine the Brave – Cornelia Funke

Igraine dreams of becoming a famous knight. When the nefarious nephew of the baroness shows up with plans to capture the castle, its up to Igraine to be brave and save the day.

I love Cornelia Funke’s book, who read Inkspell??

The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas – David Almond

Stanley Potts is just an ordinary boy, but when all the jobs in Fish Quay disappear his Uncle Ernie develops an extraordinary fascination with canning fish. Suddenly their home is filled with the sound of clanging machinery and the stench of mackerel, and Uncle Ernie’s obsession reaches such heights that he would even can Stan’s beloved goldfish.

Cinderella Smith -Stephanie Barden

When Cinderella finds out that the winner of her school’s spelling bee gets to choose the theme of the class party, she’s determined to win. Cinderella’s excitement can’t be contained, until her onetime friend starts bullying her for no reason.

I actually got this one out for Bean but I think I may be reading it instead….

Then I have the second in The Island Trilogy by Jen Minkman waiting on my ereader.

Oh, how I love books!

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New author eBook review AND available in Afrikaans!

The great thing about having a book blog is that every so often I will be approached by an author or publishing house to review a book. As in the case with this one.

Jen Minkman is a YA author from the Netherlands and her books are also available in English. She is a well know author in her country and writes paranormal romance, chicklit and fantasy. The novel that I am about to review is dystopian in theme.

The Island – Jen Minkman

I walk toward the sea. The endless surface of the water extends to the horizon, whichever way I look. Our world is small. We are on our own, and we only have ourselves to depend on. We rely on the Force deep within us, as taught to us by our forefathers. If I were to walk westward from here, I would come across a barrier – the Wall. Behind it, there are Fools. At least, that’s what everyone says. I have never seen one.’ Leia lives on the Island, a world in which children leave their parents to take care of themselves when they are ten years old. Across this Island runs a wall that no one has ever crossed. The Fools living behind it are not amenable to reason – they believe in illusions. That’s what The Book says, the only thing left to the Eastern Islanders by their ancestors. But when a strange man washes ashore and Leia meets a Fool face to face, her life will never be the same. Is what she and her friends believe about the Island really true? Or is everyone in their world, in fact, a Fool? (taken from Kalahari)

So, what did I think? I enjoyed this book, it was extremely readable and the story line was good. I do think that the characters could of been fleshed out more as well as the story. The book was only 80 pages which is great for a quick and easy read but I think it could have had more depth. I wouldn’t call this a YA book, I think it would be aimed more at late tweens. There are two more in the series, The Waves (Island #2) and The Deep (Island #3) which I haven’t read yet, but I think I could be persuaded to see what happens to the characters after the initial book.

I think this would make a great book for children who are looking for something without too much violence and an easy story line to follow. It is available at Kalahari in both English and Afrikaans, yay! You can find the English version here and the Afrikaans version here for a very nice price too. If you would like to know more about the author, head over to Goodreads and check her out.

So, if you have a child who is needing a ebook, get yourself over to Kalahari and download the book now!

She has a range of other books available too, so if you fall in love with her writing, there are many more books to read:-)

Let me know what you think!

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Tuesday Teasers

I was perusing FB one evening and came across a post where they said that the third book in the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness will be released in a couple of months!

The Book of Life – Deborah Harkness

I discovered The Discovery of Witches a while ago but only read it when  a friend of mine recommended it. And I loved it! Witches, vampires, historical, romance, adventure, mystery, this book pretty much has everything when looking for something to read. The second in the trilogy is Shadow of Night where the story follows Mathew and Diane on their time travels to try and find Ashmole 782 and its missing pages. The Book of Life carries on where they ended back in ‘real time’.

Publication date is the 15th July 2014

where it will be available in the US and UK but will also be available as an ebook! Yippee! Im going to get it for my ereader!

You can check out her website here with all the details and excerpts of the books.

Edited to add:

City of Heavenly Fire – Cassandra Clare

The final book in The Mortal Instruments series! I am not sure about you, but I really enjoyed her books. It will be great to finally have a conclusion in this series as I did think that the last book was rather longwinded But I still read it and though it wasn’t as awesome as the first one, it had to be read;-)

I will definitely be reading this, I may not be buying it but it will be read.

What did you think of the series? If you haven’t read it,  will you be tempted to? I also really really like the Infernal Devices series…. And did I mention that a movie was made of the first Mortal Instruments book, City of Bones? Which I thoroughly enjoyed and actually followed the book, it was one of the rare book to movies movies that didn’t disappoint me!

Expected publication date: 27th May 2014 (yip, closer that we thought!)

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